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pergamonmystic:linkedhelp:lookup_module_closures [2021/10/06 11:12]
admin created
pergamonmystic:linkedhelp:lookup_module_closures [2021/10/06 11:21] (current)
Line 3: Line 3:
 ===== Lookup Manager: Closure Days Additional Fields Module ===== ===== Lookup Manager: Closure Days Additional Fields Module =====
-This help file has not yet being released.+{{ :​pergamonmystic:​linkedhelp:​mystichelp_lookup_0003.jpg?​200|}} The additional fields for the Closure Days category type allow the definition of the days on which the library is declared '​closed',​ and which results in the algorithmic additional of days to a loan duration.
-The Mystic Help Files are being re-written for the release of **Mystic v1.5, during the summer of 2021**.+The additional fields include:
-For now, please use the Pergamon Help files by clicking the **Pergamon Wiki** Icon at the top of this page, or **Pergamon Wiki Home** below.+  ​* **Workstation** - the workstations in the library that this definition affects. ​**This field is a legacy field from the desktop environment,​ and can be ignored in the Mystic Online application**.
 +  * **Start Date** - the first date on which the calculation will begin (e.g. a Saturday for a weekend closure)
 +  * **Duration** - the span of days in this definition, beginning on the start date (above), when the library will be closed. For a weekend, closure the duration will be 2.
 +  * **Repetition** - the nature of the repetition of the definition selected from Weekly, Monthly, Yearly or No Repetition.
 +Note, a definition for repeating closures is not required for each occasion of the closure. Weekend closures for example, can be defined as starting on a Saturday with 2 day duration and set to Weekly. From the selected date onwards, all weekends will be regarded as a closure date from the start date into the future. Only one '​weekend closure'​ item need ever be created.
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pergamonmystic/linkedhelp/lookup_module_closures.1633518749.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/10/06 11:12 by admin