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Pergamon Mystic

Online Library Management System

This public online version: 20191107-01
Copyright: 2018-, Esferico ltd.

First uploaded build release for this version: v1.0.4r29
Current uploaded build release for this version: 1.0.4r39
Current build uploaded: 17th November 2019 22:00

Next expected uploaded: TBD

20191107-01 Release Notes

Type RFC/Reference Area Description
P 201911-027 Catalogue PENDING - Specialist Library Licenses Only: Added a selective menu to the Catalogue icon to select alternate catalogues / collections when in use (defaults to main collection, as usual, if not).
P 201911-026 BISON PENDING - Full MARC importer (engine) re-write. Planned, but opportunity to account for a number of publisher idiosyncrasies that have been appearing in recent client files.
P 201911-025 Readers PENDING - Implemented new splitter-layout system (see 201911-023, see below) in Readers dialog.
T 201911-024 Catalogue PENDING - Corrected a minor visual issue where [Volume] field was not being reflected in the list box when updated (recording to the database worked as normal, and refresh of the list displayed the correct information).
P 201911-023 Catalogue Due to inaccurate reporting of positions by browsers and in order to maintain application style-standards, the splitter-slider has been replaced with [+] and [-] buttons. Splitter position is now also carried across as a persistent value between sessions, as per Pergamon v2.x standards.
P 201911-022 Catalogue Added a Maximise option toggle which displays the catalogue dialog at the maximum size possible for the page. A system level bug (browser / development language level) prevents the dialog from being resized [again] in this mode, but the Maximise Lock can be turned off to return the dialog formatting to normal.
P 201911-021 Interface Dropped in-built toolbar due to limitation in icon sizes and functionality. Added bespoke toolbar matching Pergamon v2.x standards of desktop application.
S 201911-020 Catalogue When creating a new item, the existing list is now cleared before adding. This is to cure a problem at a single site (but potentially possible at others), where in some situations the item list is slow to recognise a [second] new item, resulting in the wrong item being updated after a success [Update]. This may be connected with the implementation of the Listbox on a limited number of OS versions or browsers.
T 201911-019 Catalogue Corrected an issue where the first ever created lookup value could be returned as the selection default, as opposed the the actual default (or none).
P 201911-018 Catalogue Item creation now attaches all default Expanse indexing values (i.e. Audience, Reader Level etc.) on creation of the item, prior to first display of the new record.
T 201911-017 Workspace Forced closure of the Local Settings dialog after cancel or save. Dialog was not being removed as at this time, the dialog contains no updatable information.
S 201911-016 Various Scanner affix removal added to OPAC Search, Manager Search and OPAC Advanced search fields.
P 201911-015 Readers Readers Manager now pre-emptively warns users of records already in editing mode with another user, preventing access to editable fields.
P 201911-014 Catalogue Catalogue Manager now pre-emptively warns users of records already in editing mode with another user, preventing access to editable fields.
P 201911-013 System Centralised application level knowledge of currently editing records at each client site now enabled.
P 201911-012 Readers Re-enabled user restriction on creating new Readers Dynamic Expanse lookup items to suitably authorised users only (this change affects licenses above PRIMARY only - PRIMARY licenses do not have visible Dynamic Expanse controls.
P 201911-011 Readers Re-enabled user restriction on creating new Readers Option lookup items to suitably authorised users only.
P 201911-010 Catalogue Re-enabled user restriction on creating new Catalogue Dynamic Expanse lookup items to suitably authorised users only.
P 201911-009 Catalogue Re-enabled user restriction on creating new Catalogue Option lookup items to suitably authorised users only.
T 201911-008 Lookup Switched availability of SysKey field from [Enabled] to [ReadOnly] management due to Browser level changes re-enabling field outside of user permissions.
P 201911-007 Lookup Lookup Manager expansion editors signed off for this coding period: String Literals now handed off to Automated Language Control (ALC) system.
P 201911-006 Readers Reader Manager dialog signed off for this coding period: String Literals now handed off to Automated Language Control (ALC) system.
P 201911-005 Lookup Lookup Manager dialog signed off for this coding period: String Literals now handed off to Automated Language Control (ALC) system.
P 201911-004 Readers Re-enabled [Info] and [Manager] menus in Readers following user permissions testing.
S 201911-003 Readers Blanks a reader DoB if one is not currently recorded in a reader record, rather than keeping previous entry.
T 201911-002 Lookup Corrected an inverted test in the Alias SQL display code LU049.
P 201911-001 Users Users dialog signed off for this coding period: String Literals now handed off to Automated Language Control (ALC) system.
Key Meaning
T Identified by an internal beta tester, staff member or developer.
S Identified by client or support call incident.
P Planned changed to system parameters.

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pergamonmystic/releasenotes/20191107-01.1574200594.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/19 21:56 by admin